Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Month After...

I started this blog more than a month ago, May 30,2012 to be exact, and what have I achieved and learned so far. A lot, that's for sure. I started this blog just as an experiment, a trial blog so to say. I realize that blogging takes a lot of time and effort to build. Here's what I have done so far:

1. Changed my template. I actually changed my template 3 times over the  month, I just can't get satisfied with the feel of the blog.. I learned a little of photoshop just to get a more decent title header.

2. Performed some SEOs as was advised by most bloggers, I added my blog to a couple of blog directories and made sure that my content is relevant and unique. What I discovered so far, what most SEO experts say is true, "content is king, and original content is the king of kings". There's just no way around it, providing relevant and unique content is the only way to get readers to your blog

3. Got my site indexed. Having great content is not enough, it is actually useless if no one is reading. Getting your site indexed by search engine is no easy task either, you need to build networks. One of the best way is by joining blog directories, online communities related to your chosen niche, and making use of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

4. Like I earlier stated, content is very important, last month I was able to make 30 posts. This month I need to do more. There are still a couple of articles I am working on. I usually write using MS Word and then save it on my flashdrive and later upload when I get the chance to be online, unfortunately, my drive got corrupted and now I have to start again. 

This blog is actually doing well, it is continuously getting better ranking each day but a lot more work needs to be done and there a re a lot of challenges that I need to overcome. Ever since I started blogging, I realized that maybe I am not cut out for this, mainly because I'm not such a good writer, never was. So I decided to use more pictures for this blog, unfortunately, that I haven't achieved yet. So in the coming months that would be my goal, to take as many pictures as I can to make this blog better. 

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